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You are driving on a highway with a posted speed limit of 65 mph. Most of the traffic is traveling at 70 mph, so you should be driving no faster than


On a highway, you should try to keep up with traffic as long as you don't exceed the posted speed limit.

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Laura Diaz

3 years ago

The best app ever for pass your cdl test at first time.


3 years ago

It has made me a better driver, because it helps me understand the law and rules more

Eddie Jaeggi

3 years ago

I like the idea of the app. It would be great if a user could switch to Dyslexia mode for people with Dyslexia so we can understand it better and retain more. As I have to re read a lot of it over. From what I understand it's basically a font change if im not mistaken. Just a thought. Thanks 😊 Eddie J.

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