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white grap head
5 years ago
I think the practice test is very good for those who are trying to get their license or permit, I try to study every day cus I’m new to this n I want to know bout driving I’m planning on going for my permit
Cry h h h h. If
5 years ago
I really like the material and review on this app but the ads are a constant annoyance especially on the practice tests because if a ad shows up you automatically fail it and this has happened multiple times and it’s infuriating.
white grap head
5 years ago
I think the practice test is very good for those who are trying to get their license or permit, I try to study every day cus I’m new to this n I want to know bout driving I’m planning on going for my permit
Cry h h h h. If
5 years ago
I really like the material and review on this app but the ads are a constant annoyance especially on the practice tests because if a ad shows up you automatically fail it and this has happened multiple times and it’s infuriating.
5 years ago
The test is kinda fun