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In Rhode Island, you may not park within 20 feet of a crosswalk at an intersection, within 50 feet of the nearest rail at a railroad crossing, or within 30 feet of a stop sign, traffic light, or flashing red or yellow light. (There are also other places where you are not allowed to park. Check for signs or roadway markings that prohibit or limit parking.) The car in scenario A is far enough from the crosswalk to park legally. Note: Other states may specify different minimum distances for parking. When traveling out of state, always check the local traffic laws. [Where You May Not Park or Stop, F. Stopping and Parking, III. Basic Driving Skills and Safety Rules, Rhode Island Driver's Manual]
angel million
3 years ago
App is great 👍
Alex Burnett
3 years ago
Very helpful
Vida free
3 years ago
Very good and interesting.