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If you are convicted of speeding in a school zone, ____ points will be added to your driving record.

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In a school zone, the speed limit is 15 mph while the yellow school zone signals are flashing. If you are convicted of exceeding this speed limit, three points will be added to your driving record. You will also be fined up to $500, depending on how fast you were driving at the time. [School Zone Signals; Signals; Chapter 2: Signals, Signs and Pavement Markings; Pennsylvania Driver's Manual], ["The Pennsylvania Point System Fact Sheet," Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, November 2013, http://www.dot.state.pa.us/public/DVSPubsForms/BDL/BDL%20Fact%20Sheets/FS-PS.pdf], [75 Pa. C. S. § 3365]

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5 years ago

I think the practice test is very good for those who are trying to get their license or permit, I try to study every day cus I’m new to this n I want to know bout driving I’m planning on going for my permit

Cry h h h h. If

5 years ago

I really like the material and review on this app but the ads are a constant annoyance especially on the practice tests because if a ad shows up you automatically fail it and this has happened multiple times and it’s infuriating.


5 years ago

The test is kinda fun

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