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A pedestrian who is carrying a white cane or using a guide dog is blind or visually impaired. Always yield the right-of-way to such a pedestrian. The Tennessee Comprehensive Driver License Manual recommends that you stop at least ten feet away from him or her. Don't sound your horn because it might startle the pedestrian or drown out audible cues that the pedestrian relies on to navigate. [Right-of-Way Procedures, Intersections, B-4. Rules of the Road, Tennessee Comprehensive Driver License Manual]
5 years ago
Great app
Myles Blake High School
5 years ago
I only got 2 questions wrong
Tim de Bear
5 years ago
In the midst of finishing up learning on the older app, it told me to download this newer version. However, I didn’t want to have to go through all those questions again, so I simply finished reviewing on the old app and took the practice test on this newer app. Upon completion of the tests, it would not let me move forward or see my score! How should I know if I have done well enough to pass if I cannot see my own score?